Just like a few years ago computer and information technology companies started working on microchip technology, just like DARPA created the Intranet and later the Internet, non-profits surrogate to government agencies such as the Army, Navy and Air Force are now implementing radio frequency technology to effect people's thoughts and behaviors.
The history of mind control begins with Hypnotism. In the 1920's the Harvard Labs started a project for the creation of a "Manchurian candidate". George Esterbrooks, a scientist in the Laboratory, worked along colleagues in a project to implement the idea of submitting a person into a deep state of hypnosis so they could fracture the human personality into two different individuals, one with full knowledge of himself and the environment, and the other with no knowledge whatsoever. Such individuals would be used as super spies in the Soviet Union and Germany. Should an individual get caught he would not be able to remember anything of their true identity.
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"L'individuo è in difficoltà quando viene a faccia a faccia con una cospirazione così enorme che non può credere che esista." J. Edgar Hoover, ex direttore dell'FBI
martedì 31 dicembre 2013
This is an interview with Solaris Blueraven regarding her experience with synthetic telepathy and covert surveillance, filmed at the Super Soldier Conference in May 2013.
Solaris claims that a well known band was instrumental in recruiting her into a ring of surveillance and control.
giovedì 7 novembre 2013
venerdì 4 ottobre 2013
lunedì 30 settembre 2013
QuWave Products - A new concept for the new millennium.
"The next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine ... In the future it will not be about the chemistry - it will be about the energy!" - Dr. Mehmet Oz, The Oprah Show
QuWave Products might be your Answer to Improved Health and Well Being --- Simply be within the Protective Biofield every day.
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QuWave Products might be your Answer to Improved Health and Well Being --- Simply be within the Protective Biofield every day.
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Trad. da Globalresearch
Nel marzo 2012 il Ministro della Difesa russo Anatoli Serdjukov disse:
“Lo sviluppo di armamenti basati sui nuovi principi della fisica, armi ad energia diretta, armi geofisiche, armi a onde di energia, armi genetiche , armi psicotroniche etc., fa parte del programma di approvvigionamento delle armi di stato per gli anni 2011-2020,”Voice of Russia
Il mondo dei media reagì a questo accenno sull’uso “aperto” di armi psicotroniche pubblicando gli esperimenti degli anni ’60 dove onde elettromagnetiche vennero usate per trasmettere semplici suoni nel cervello umano.
Tuttavia la piu’ parte di queste pubblicazioni non disse che quella ampia ricerca scientifica è stata portata avanti in tutto il mondo. Solo un quotidiano columbiano , El Spectador, pubblico’ un articolo che copriva tutta la gamma dei risultati ed avanzamenti in questo campo.
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Trad. da Globalresearch
Nel marzo 2012 il Ministro della Difesa russo Anatoli Serdjukov disse:
“Lo sviluppo di armamenti basati sui nuovi principi della fisica, armi ad energia diretta, armi geofisiche, armi a onde di energia, armi genetiche , armi psicotroniche etc., fa parte del programma di approvvigionamento delle armi di stato per gli anni 2011-2020,”Voice of Russia
Il mondo dei media reagì a questo accenno sull’uso “aperto” di armi psicotroniche pubblicando gli esperimenti degli anni ’60 dove onde elettromagnetiche vennero usate per trasmettere semplici suoni nel cervello umano.
Tuttavia la piu’ parte di queste pubblicazioni non disse che quella ampia ricerca scientifica è stata portata avanti in tutto il mondo. Solo un quotidiano columbiano , El Spectador, pubblico’ un articolo che copriva tutta la gamma dei risultati ed avanzamenti in questo campo.
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mercoledì 25 settembre 2013
Il caso Petrit Demo
Questa persona è stato microimpiantata senza il suo consenso e senza esserne a conoscenza.
La presenza dei dispositivi è stata rivelata dopo denunce di salute degradata e dolori estremi.
La presenza dei dispositivi è stata confermata da un medico.
Alcuni dei dispositivi sono stati rimossi chirurgicamente da un medico.
I dispositivi non hanno alcun valore terapeutico.
I dispositivi non sono stati analizzati da un tossicologo.
I dispositivi non sono stati analizzati da un tecnico elettronico.
Le fotografie mostrano chiaramente i dispositivi di tipo microstimulator
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sabato 21 settembre 2013
Gli alieni ci controllano: oggetto extraterrestre trovato in un uomo
A giudicare da quanto accaduto a Ron Noel, un americano di 49 anni, gli alieni ci marchierebbero come animali e ci controllerebbero dalle più lontane galassie: dopo 40 anni da quando gli alieni lo avrebbero rapito, l’uomo ha infatti scoperto di avere nel proprio corpo un sofisticato e potentissimo trasmettitore composto da una sostanza metallica, che secondo il dott. Roger Leir che sta studiando il caso, sarebbe in grado di stimolare la generazione di cellule ossee e perciò non provocherebbe né rigetto né infiammazioni.
L’uomo era andato a farsi fare delle radiografie perché gli era stata diagnosticata la sindrome del tunnel carpale ed il radiologo, forse notando qualcosa di strano ma non identificabile, gli chiese se avesse degli impianti metallici. La stessa sera, per caso, Ron vide una trasmissione televisiva in cui si parlava del dottor Roger Leir come il massimo esperto di estrazione di impianti alieni e come uno dei maggiori rappresentanti della ricerca nel campo dell’ufologia: decise perciò di interpellarlo.
“Ron Noel mi ha consultato 2 o tre anni fa – ricorda il dott. Leir – ma prima di fare qualsiasi intervento estrattivo ho voluto capire bene di cosa si trattasse. La dottoressa Ivonne Smitr ha sottoposto il paziente ad una terapia ipnotica durante la quale ha descritto gli alieni, esseri senza bocca ma che gli parlavano direttamente nella testa dicendogli di non avere paura e che avrebbe dimenticato tutto, il rapimento e l’innesto di un oggetto nel braccio; poi gli sono state fatte delle speciali radiografie dalle quali si è vista una piccola macchia vicino all’osso del suo braccio, successivamente ho fatto la misurazione delle radiazioni per mezzo di un contatore Geiger che non ha rilevato nulla, infine ho usato un misuratore di frequenze molto sofisticato che ha individuato nel braccio di Ron un trasmettitore frequenze capaci di raggiungere il più profondo e lontano universo”.
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L’uomo era andato a farsi fare delle radiografie perché gli era stata diagnosticata la sindrome del tunnel carpale ed il radiologo, forse notando qualcosa di strano ma non identificabile, gli chiese se avesse degli impianti metallici. La stessa sera, per caso, Ron vide una trasmissione televisiva in cui si parlava del dottor Roger Leir come il massimo esperto di estrazione di impianti alieni e come uno dei maggiori rappresentanti della ricerca nel campo dell’ufologia: decise perciò di interpellarlo.
“Ron Noel mi ha consultato 2 o tre anni fa – ricorda il dott. Leir – ma prima di fare qualsiasi intervento estrattivo ho voluto capire bene di cosa si trattasse. La dottoressa Ivonne Smitr ha sottoposto il paziente ad una terapia ipnotica durante la quale ha descritto gli alieni, esseri senza bocca ma che gli parlavano direttamente nella testa dicendogli di non avere paura e che avrebbe dimenticato tutto, il rapimento e l’innesto di un oggetto nel braccio; poi gli sono state fatte delle speciali radiografie dalle quali si è vista una piccola macchia vicino all’osso del suo braccio, successivamente ho fatto la misurazione delle radiazioni per mezzo di un contatore Geiger che non ha rilevato nulla, infine ho usato un misuratore di frequenze molto sofisticato che ha individuato nel braccio di Ron un trasmettitore frequenze capaci di raggiungere il più profondo e lontano universo”.
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venerdì 20 settembre 2013
Targeted Individuals Speak Out Against Electronic Stalking and Harassment - DVD
Targeted individuals are those who the Government (and its Military-Intelligence Agencies) has picked out to intimidate into silence, normally because they speak the truth publicly. These targeted individuals are being electronically stalked and harassed with Directed Energy Weapons (also known as Non-Lethal Weapons) which use voice-to-skull technology to blast the victim’s head with electromagnetic radiation. Despite the name, these assaults can cause death and insert “voices” into people’s heads which they mistake for their own thoughts – the ultimate form of mind control. This compilation also features advice on how to detect and block electronic harassment. 115-min. DVD
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giovedì 19 settembre 2013
Posted by Magnus Olsson on September 18, 2013
Posted in: Artificial Intelligence, Mind Control. Tagged: artificial intelligence, artificial telepathy, Intelligence, nanotechnology, Superhuman, SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, Technology, Transhumanism.
“Within 30 years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.” - Vernor Vinge, Technological Singularity, 1983
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domenica 15 settembre 2013
The Brain Subject and the Author of the Articles
Here is the first of a series of articles to be published about a topic that has been developed in secrecy, and that is known almost only to those involved and their victims. The issue is modern brain research, involving medical abuses and doctors misuse of their patients for critical experimentation. It’s about scientific progress and the price that many people have had to pay even though they never accepted to involve themselves, being unwitting or unwilling participants for a life time of remote controlled brain experiments.
My name is Robert Naeslund and the issue to be covered is in many ways one with my life, but in different aspects during varied times. From being a victim with personal experiences, I liberated myself and started to research the topic, writing a book, make reports, articles and lecturing on this hidden agenda to open up a public debate.
The following articles are not addressing my case in particular, but the subject as a whole. For me it all began in my youth, at Stockholm’s South Hospital (Södersjukhuset) when I was admitted for an operation. The surgeon implanted electrodes in my brain without my knowing and after that I was used for brain experimentation which went on for many years. I had no understanding of what I was exposed to, but on discovering the reality I began trying to prove it. No doctors in Sweden would to help me.
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My name is Robert Naeslund and the issue to be covered is in many ways one with my life, but in different aspects during varied times. From being a victim with personal experiences, I liberated myself and started to research the topic, writing a book, make reports, articles and lecturing on this hidden agenda to open up a public debate.
The following articles are not addressing my case in particular, but the subject as a whole. For me it all began in my youth, at Stockholm’s South Hospital (Södersjukhuset) when I was admitted for an operation. The surgeon implanted electrodes in my brain without my knowing and after that I was used for brain experimentation which went on for many years. I had no understanding of what I was exposed to, but on discovering the reality I began trying to prove it. No doctors in Sweden would to help me.
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giovedì 12 settembre 2013
Thank you for taking the time to read this, one of several installments regarding the apparent truth of the secret attacks upon thousands of known victims from across the nation, not to mention the hundreds of reports from other countries. The anticipation is by symptoms that are new and that Doctors cannot explain are the very symptoms victims of covert implants have reported.
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2006 autore Paolo Dorigo, aggiunte e commenti, ad una traduzione parziale da
http:// www.us-government-torture.com
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Artificial Telepathy - Mr. Magnus Olsson
The project involves basic research needed to make possible a brain-computer interface for decoding thought and communicating it to an intended target. Applications are to situations in which it is either impossible or inappropriate to communicate using visual means or by audible speech; the long-term aim is to provide a significant advance in Army communication capabilities in such situations. Non-invasive brain-imaging technologies like electroencephalography (EEG) offer a potential way for dispersed team members to communicate their thoughts. A Soldier thinks a message to be transmitted. A system for automatic imagined speech recognition decodes EEG recordings of brain activity during the thought message. A second system infers simultaneously the intended target of the communication from EEG signals. Message and target information are then combined to communicate the message as intended.
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Erin Jo Richey - Brain-Computer Interfaces and the Coming Wave
Mental telepathy may seem like a thing of sci-fi movies and distant futuristic novels, but we are closer than you may realize to being able to communicate via our thoughts alone. The first major breakthroughs in BCI technology allowed mice and monkeys to move prosthetic arms or computer mice cursors with their thoughts alone. Implanted neural chips have been used to teach monkeys to control the movements of robotic arms in other states, via the internet. Next, monkeys were able to feed themselves with a robotic arm in their room controlled only by their thoughts.
These same silicon chips as being studied for human use where they would function as neural prostheses. Much of the research with humans in the area of mental telepathy and BCIs is targeted at helping locked in coma patients, people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and other disabled patients who experience trouble moving or communicating. Noninvasive electrodes have been used in conjunction with the "Aware Chair," a wheel chair that can be guided by neural activity. Implanted electrodes help other patients communicate by moving a mouse cursor mentally to spell out their thoughts.
We may see the next major breakthrough in mental telepathy and BCI technology in the next 20 years. DARPA currently is working on the Silent Talk project which uses EEGs to scan brain waves and will ideally communicate nonvocal thoughts between soldiers on the battlefield. There are at least three commercial companies that sell BCI devices that allow consumers to play computer games using their thoughts alone rather than a joystick. There even remains the possibility that hackers may someday be able to access your private thoughts.
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These same silicon chips as being studied for human use where they would function as neural prostheses. Much of the research with humans in the area of mental telepathy and BCIs is targeted at helping locked in coma patients, people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and other disabled patients who experience trouble moving or communicating. Noninvasive electrodes have been used in conjunction with the "Aware Chair," a wheel chair that can be guided by neural activity. Implanted electrodes help other patients communicate by moving a mouse cursor mentally to spell out their thoughts.
We may see the next major breakthrough in mental telepathy and BCI technology in the next 20 years. DARPA currently is working on the Silent Talk project which uses EEGs to scan brain waves and will ideally communicate nonvocal thoughts between soldiers on the battlefield. There are at least three commercial companies that sell BCI devices that allow consumers to play computer games using their thoughts alone rather than a joystick. There even remains the possibility that hackers may someday be able to access your private thoughts.
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L’esercito USA finanzia la ricerca per la “Telepatia Sintetica”
L’esercito USA ha dato 4 milioni di dollari ai ricercatori dell’Università della California per studiare le fondamenta della “Telepatia Sintetica”. Questa versione della telepatia viene comunicata attraverso il computer. Irvine, un ricercatore della Università della California spiega:”la interfaccia computer-cervello utilizza tecnologie non invasive di immagini cerebrali come l’elettroencefalografia, per permettere alle persone di comunicare pernsieri gli uni con gli altri.
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MILABS e Rapimenti – Articolo di Philippa Foster
Questo articolo della ricercatrice britannica Philippa Foster, scritto nel 2009 e inedito in Italia, pone in luce brillantemente alcuni degli aspetti più delicati del fenomeno abduction, con particolare riferimento alla situazione in Gran Bretagna. Negli ultimi due anni la ricerca in questo campo ha fatto progressi, nonostante la situazione sia ancora di stallo, a causa del disinteresse della classe accademico-scientifica e ufologica tradizionalista. (Maurizio Baiata)
Qui di seguito, alcune riflessioni di mia moglie Philippa a proposito delle ultime informazioni emerse sulle MILABS e sul supporto agli Addotti
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martedì 10 settembre 2013
domenica 8 settembre 2013
sabato 7 settembre 2013
mercoledì 4 settembre 2013
Evidence of non-consensual micro-chipping
In October 2012 several symptomatic people participated in a RF-testing in a Faraday Cage. The testing was performed by Jesse Beltran & Lars Drudgaard of ICAACT (International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies). A total of 17 participants were tested. 14 had symptoms related to electronic terrorism & torture; 3 were non-symptomatic, non-victims. It appeared that the victims emitted radio frequencies from spots on the body but the non-symptomatic group did not.
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martedì 3 settembre 2013
Positivi i primi test di telepatia sintetica ovvero della possibilità di trasmettere informazioni semplici direttamente dal cervello attraverso l' elettroencefalogramma interpretato da un computer L' obiettivo è sperimentare la possibilità di trasmettere alcune semplici unità di informazione fra due persone modulando l' attività cerebrale in modo volontario. I risultati preliminari sono stati presentati di recente a Roma, nel convegno nazionale dell' Associazione di Medicina aeronautica e spaziale «Sono i primi passi verso dispositivi anti-dirottamento che potrebbero non aver bisogno di un solo movimento da parte del pilota», ha detto Fabio Babiloni, della Fondazione Santa Lucia e dell' università di Roma La Sapienza, che ha presentato i risultati La trasmissione avviene per mezzo di elettrodi che, posti sul capo di una persona, registrano l' attività elettrica prodotta dal cervello Le sue modificazioni attivate dal pensare un gesto o simboli semplici tipo alfabeto "morse" sono riconosciute, interpretate e trasmesse via computer
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Signals sent through internet connect brain of 1 person to another
American researchers say they’ve performed what they believe is the first ever human-to-human brain interface, where one person was able to send a brain signal to trigger the hand motions of another person.
“It was both exciting and eerie to watch an imagined section from my brain get translated into actual action by another brain,” said Rajesh Rao, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, in a statement.
Previous studies have done brain-to-brain transmissions between rats and one was done between a human and a rat.
Rao was able to send a brain signal through the internet – utilizing electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation – to the other side of the university campus to his colleague Andrea Stocco, an assistant professor of psychology, triggering Stocco’s finger to move on a keyboard.
“The internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains,” said Stocco. “We want to take the knowledge of a brain and transmit it directly from brain to brain.”
On Aug. 12, Rao sat in his lab with a cap on his head. The cap had electrodes hooked up to an electroencephalography machine, which reads the brain’s electrical activity. Meanwhile, Stocco was at his lab across campus, wearing a similar cap which had a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil place over his left motor cortex – the part of the brain that controls hand movement.
Rao looked at a computer and in his mind, he played a video game. When he was supposed to fire a cannon at a target, he imagined moving his right hand, which stayed motionless. Stocco, almost instantaneously, moved his right index finger to push the space bar on the keyboard in front of him.
The project utilized two basic technologies:
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“It was both exciting and eerie to watch an imagined section from my brain get translated into actual action by another brain,” said Rajesh Rao, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, in a statement.
Previous studies have done brain-to-brain transmissions between rats and one was done between a human and a rat.
Rao was able to send a brain signal through the internet – utilizing electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation – to the other side of the university campus to his colleague Andrea Stocco, an assistant professor of psychology, triggering Stocco’s finger to move on a keyboard.
“The internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains,” said Stocco. “We want to take the knowledge of a brain and transmit it directly from brain to brain.”
On Aug. 12, Rao sat in his lab with a cap on his head. The cap had electrodes hooked up to an electroencephalography machine, which reads the brain’s electrical activity. Meanwhile, Stocco was at his lab across campus, wearing a similar cap which had a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil place over his left motor cortex – the part of the brain that controls hand movement.
Rao looked at a computer and in his mind, he played a video game. When he was supposed to fire a cannon at a target, he imagined moving his right hand, which stayed motionless. Stocco, almost instantaneously, moved his right index finger to push the space bar on the keyboard in front of him.
Only simple brain signals, not thoughts
“This was basically a one-way flow of information from my brain to his,” said Rao.The project utilized two basic technologies:
- Electroencephalography, or EEG, which is used by medical professionals to record brain activity non-invasively from the scalp.
- TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, which is a way of non-invasively delivering stimulation to the brain through the scalp.
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Your Future Brain-Machine Implant: Ultrasonic Neural Dust
Remember those slender gleaming spikes Keanu Reeves and pals jacked into the backs of their noggins to go virtual-reality tripping in The Matrix? That’s certainly an image: prong-to-brain networking, your neurons serviced by skewer.
But then the movies — what can you do? The future of brain-machine interfaces may be less, umm, visible if cutting-edge research by scientists at the University of California Berkeley proves viable.
One of the biggest challenges for brain-machine interfaces (BMI) is how to create one you could use indefinitely (like for a lifetime). Even in The Matrix, connecting to the cloud seems awfully inconvenient: sit back in a chair, stab yourself in the skull. Existing real-world BMI systems are clumsier still. As KurzweilAI notes: “Current BMI systems are also limited to several hundred implantable recording sites, they generate tissue responses around the implanted electrodes that degrade recording performance over time, and are limited to months to a few years.”
What if, instead, we built entire armies of tiny dust-sized sensor nodes that could be implanted in the brain (though not autonomously — this isn’t colonize-your-brain-stem time yet) to facilitate communication of whatever sort, in this case keeping high-res tabs on neural signals and relaying data back to aggregation devices via ultrasound?
Here’s how it might work: First you pop through the skull and the brain’s dura (the membrane surrounding the brain), dipping into the brain’s neural sea itself, roughly two millimeters down, where you position thousands of low-powered CMOS chips (the “neural dust,” each as tiny as millionths of a meter) to begin capturing neural signals using electrodes and piezoelectric sensors, which convert the data to ultrasonic signals. Those signals are then picked up by a sub-dural transceiver (sitting just above the “dust” chips and simultaneously powering them ultrasonically), which relays the data to an external transceiver resting just outside the skull (ASIC, memory, battery, long-range transmitter), which in turn communicates wirelessly with whatever computing device.
Like most futurist notions, this one hasn’t been tested yet — it’s just a formal proposal — but it’s another fascinating glimpse into where we might be headed, bypassing clumsy literal BMI head-jacks for micro-scale interfaces that would link us, wire-free, to future galaxies of virtual information
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Dr. John Hall’s book to become movie
When Dr. John Hall wrote the book “A new Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America”, information about the technologies and techniques for remote influencing, where basically unknown to most people. The case of one individual – a woman that Dr. John Hall knew – was used in the book to illustrate the daily horror, harassment and torture that many people in our world today have to experience. These people are the victims of a new form of worldwide terrorism – an endless orgy of abuse and torture; People who could have lived happy healthy existences, but whose lives have been ruthlessly destroyed without warning or a good reason. Worst of all: there is nowhere to run! This world becomes because of this remote technology the victim’s prison: A prison without walls or bars, yet inescapable.
Convincing a large majority of people of a phenomenon that is real but that cannot be seen is a great challenge. And what societal means can one use to spread a message that cannot be put in words but that only experienced can be fully understood?
You read the headline of this article! Dr. John Hall’s book is going to become a movie.
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Convincing a large majority of people of a phenomenon that is real but that cannot be seen is a great challenge. And what societal means can one use to spread a message that cannot be put in words but that only experienced can be fully understood?
You read the headline of this article! Dr. John Hall’s book is going to become a movie.
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sabato 31 agosto 2013
Human Connectome Project
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The Human Connectome Project (HCP) is a five-year project sponsored by sixteen components of the National Institutes of Health, split between two consortia of research institutions. The project was launched in July 2009[1] as the first of three Grand Challenges of the NIH's Blueprint for Neuroscience Research.[2] On September 15, 2010, the NIH announced that it would award two grants: $30 million over five years to a consortium led by Washington University in Saint Louis and the University of Minnesota, and $8.5 million over three years to a consortium led by Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of California Los Angeles.[3]
The goal of the Human Connectome Project is to build a "network map" that will shed light on the anatomical and functional connectivity within the healthy human brain, as well as to produce a body of data that will facilitate research into brain disorders such as dyslexia, autism, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia.[4]
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The goal of the Human Connectome Project is to build a "network map" that will shed light on the anatomical and functional connectivity within the healthy human brain, as well as to produce a body of data that will facilitate research into brain disorders such as dyslexia, autism, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia.[4]
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venerdì 30 agosto 2013
Psychotronic War and the Security of Russia
the opinions in this article are the opinions of Cheryl Welsh, alone.
Throughout this booklet, the words electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic frequency are abbreviated with "emr". The terms, athermal and nonthermal electromagnetic radiation effects are used interchangeably and mean the same thing. Thermal effects of emr refers to the effects caused by heating. The cooking of food in a microwave oven is a thermal effect of microwaves, for example. The nonthermal emr effects are any effect not caused by heating. Psychotronic is the russian term for mind control, although it has been given many meanings. Generally, psychotronic is term for the use of emr to affect the brain.
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Throughout this booklet, the words electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic frequency are abbreviated with "emr". The terms, athermal and nonthermal electromagnetic radiation effects are used interchangeably and mean the same thing. Thermal effects of emr refers to the effects caused by heating. The cooking of food in a microwave oven is a thermal effect of microwaves, for example. The nonthermal emr effects are any effect not caused by heating. Psychotronic is the russian term for mind control, although it has been given many meanings. Generally, psychotronic is term for the use of emr to affect the brain.
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mercoledì 28 agosto 2013
Tavistock Institute
Tavistock Institute, 30 Tabernacle Street, London
Fu istituito nel 1921 per studiare i disturbi mentali, derivati dall'esposizione al terrore che si genera in battaglia, sui soldati inglesi che sopravvissero alla I guerra mondiale. Il suo scopo era quello di stabilire, sotto il controllo dell'Ufficio della Guerra Psicologica dell'Esercito Britannico, il "punto di rottura" dell'uomo in condizioni di stress.
Tavistock sviluppò le tecniche del lavaggio del cervello di massa che furono usate per la prima volta sui prigionieri americani della guerra in Corea.
I suoi esperimenti con i metodi di controllo delle masse sono stati ampiamente usati sui cittadini americani, un subdolo e oltraggioso attacco alla libertà per mezzo di psicologia applicata ad aree di territorio circoscritte.
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Pochi sanno quanto il Tavistock Institute ha influenzato e influenzi tuttora, sia direttamente che indirettamente e in quale profondità, la nostra vita.
Fu istituito nel 1921 per studiare i disturbi mentali, derivati dall'esposizione al terrore che si genera in battaglia, sui soldati inglesi che sopravvissero alla I guerra mondiale. Il suo scopo era quello di stabilire, sotto il controllo dell'Ufficio della Guerra Psicologica dell'Esercito Britannico, il "punto di rottura" dell'uomo in condizioni di stress.
I suoi esperimenti con i metodi di controllo delle masse sono stati ampiamente usati sui cittadini americani, un subdolo e oltraggioso attacco alla libertà per mezzo di psicologia applicata ad aree di territorio circoscritte.
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lunedì 26 agosto 2013
libro del Dr. Helmut e Marion Lammer, "MILABS - Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction"
dottor Helmut Lammer è uno scienziato in Fisica atmosferica che lavora su progetti spaziali diversi e durante il tempo libero le sue ricerche incentrate su fenomeni inspiegabili, esotiche armi da guerra e controllo della mente. Egli ha scritto cinque libri e numerosi articoli in riviste come Nexus, The Truth Seeker, UFO Journal, MUFON Journal, ecc., con la moglie Marion pubblicato il libro MILABs: Military Mind Control e Alien Abduction (IllumiNet Press).
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Questionario tradotto in italiano da inviare al sig. Mendez entro novembre 2013
- Come compilare il questionario per il Corrispondente Speciale ONU sulle torture. Io consiglierei di agire il più presto possibile, in quanto sono stato informato, che il signor Mendez terminerà il suo lavoro come Corrispondente Speciale ONU sulle torture a novembre 2013.
How to Fill out the Questionnaire for the United Nations Special Reporter on Torture. I'd recommend acting as soon as possible since I've been informed that Mr. Mendez' term as UN Special Reporter on Torture expires in November
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domenica 25 agosto 2013
TECNOLOGIA VRS (Virtual Reality Scenario) nei Rapimenti Alieni
Impianti cerebrali, bio chip per la realtà virtuale, proiezioni olografiche... È possibile che operazioni ed esperimenti segreti vengano condotti nei paesi occidentali democratici sotto il paravento di falsi sequestri alieni?
Spesso resoconti e studi inerenti i rapimenti alieni sono stati presentati da alcuni ricercatori in maniera incompleta, focalizzando l'attenzione solo su determinati aspetti. Comportamento ed omissioni, voluti o meno, che rappresentano un ostacolo per la vera ricerca, dato che resoconti censurati non forniscono un quadro completo ed attendibile del fenomeno. Un esempio lampante sono le cosiddette esperienze virtuali note con il termine VRS (Virtual Reality Scenario), ossia scenari di realtà virtuale, indotti dall'esterno, e per il soggetto praticamente indistinguibili dalla realtà oggettiva.
Il Prof. Helmut Lammer, ufologo e ricercatore presso l'Istituto di Ricerca Spaziale austriaco L'individuo può sperimentare una determinata situazione attraverso un input sensoriale totale e reagire con spontanee risposte fisiche ed emotive, anche se nella realtà si trova sdraiato su di un lettino per esami clinici o sta dormendo nel suo letto senza ricevere alcun segnale esterno che lo disturbi. Sebbene alcune esperienze possano essere state scenario di realtà virtuale generate dagli alieni, come molti ufologi sostengono, altre attività "secondarie" indicano chiaramente un coinvolgimento dell'uomo. In tale contesto si inserisce il recente studio condotto dal professor Helmut Lammer, rappresentante austriaco del centro ufologico americano MUFON, sulle MILAB (Military Abductions) ovvero falsi rapimenti alieni eseguiti, in realtà, da militari.
"Dobbiamo cercare di comprendere - afferma Lammer - qual è il programma che si cela dietro il fenomeno delle abductions aliene e qual è lo scopo delle MILAB. C'è un forte interesse da parte dei militari nello sviluppo di impianti cerebrali, bio-chip per la realtà virtuale, proiezione di immagini olografiche, dispositivi di occultamento ed armi che alterano la mente". L'esistenza di queste tecnologie, secondo lo studioso, induce alle seguenti ipotesi:
1. si stanno effettuando, da anni, esperimenti segreti sugli esseri umani,
2. tali esperimenti sono stati nascosti alle autorità di governo ed al pubblico, finanziando progetti segreti [meglio noti come Black Programs].
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Impianti cerebrali, bio chip per la realtà virtuale, proiezioni olografiche... È possibile che operazioni ed esperimenti segreti vengano condotti nei paesi occidentali democratici sotto il paravento di falsi sequestri alieni?
Spesso resoconti e studi inerenti i rapimenti alieni sono stati presentati da alcuni ricercatori in maniera incompleta, focalizzando l'attenzione solo su determinati aspetti. Comportamento ed omissioni, voluti o meno, che rappresentano un ostacolo per la vera ricerca, dato che resoconti censurati non forniscono un quadro completo ed attendibile del fenomeno. Un esempio lampante sono le cosiddette esperienze virtuali note con il termine VRS (Virtual Reality Scenario), ossia scenari di realtà virtuale, indotti dall'esterno, e per il soggetto praticamente indistinguibili dalla realtà oggettiva.
Il Prof. Helmut Lammer, ufologo e ricercatore presso l'Istituto di Ricerca Spaziale austriaco L'individuo può sperimentare una determinata situazione attraverso un input sensoriale totale e reagire con spontanee risposte fisiche ed emotive, anche se nella realtà si trova sdraiato su di un lettino per esami clinici o sta dormendo nel suo letto senza ricevere alcun segnale esterno che lo disturbi. Sebbene alcune esperienze possano essere state scenario di realtà virtuale generate dagli alieni, come molti ufologi sostengono, altre attività "secondarie" indicano chiaramente un coinvolgimento dell'uomo. In tale contesto si inserisce il recente studio condotto dal professor Helmut Lammer, rappresentante austriaco del centro ufologico americano MUFON, sulle MILAB (Military Abductions) ovvero falsi rapimenti alieni eseguiti, in realtà, da militari.
"Dobbiamo cercare di comprendere - afferma Lammer - qual è il programma che si cela dietro il fenomeno delle abductions aliene e qual è lo scopo delle MILAB. C'è un forte interesse da parte dei militari nello sviluppo di impianti cerebrali, bio-chip per la realtà virtuale, proiezione di immagini olografiche, dispositivi di occultamento ed armi che alterano la mente". L'esistenza di queste tecnologie, secondo lo studioso, induce alle seguenti ipotesi:
1. si stanno effettuando, da anni, esperimenti segreti sugli esseri umani,
2. tali esperimenti sono stati nascosti alle autorità di governo ed al pubblico, finanziando progetti segreti [meglio noti come Black Programs].
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venerdì 23 agosto 2013
L'esperimento Rosenhan
L'esperimento Rosenhan fu un famoso esperimento sulla validità della diagnosi psichiatrica, diretto dallo psicologo David Rosenhan nel 1973. Fu pubblicato sul giornale Science con il titolo "On being sane in insane places"[1] (in italiano: "Sull'essere sani in posti pazzi"). Lo studio è considerato una critica importante e influente delle diagnosi psichiatriche.[2]
Lo studio di Rosenhan si svolse in due fasi.
La prima fase coinvolse collaboratori sani o "pseudopazienti" (tre donne e cinque uomini) che simularono brevemente allucinazioni uditive nel tentativo di ottenere il ricovero in 12 diversi ospedali psichiatrici di cinque diversi stati in varie località degli Stati Uniti d'America. Furono tutti quanti ricoverati e vennero loro diagnosticati dei disordini psichiatrici. Dopo il ricovero gli pseudopazienti tornarono a comportarsi normalmente e dissero agli operatori che si sentivano bene e che non provavano più allucinazioni. Tutti furono costretti ad ammettere di avere una malattia mentale e accettare di prendere farmaci antipsicotici come condizione del loro rilascio. Il tempo medio che gli utenti trascorsero negli ospedali fu di 19 giorni. A tutti tranne uno fu diagnosticata schizofrenia "in remissione" prima del loro rilascio.
La seconda parte del suo studio riguardò un ospedale, tra quelli precedentemente coinvolti, che sfidava Rosenhan a inviare alla struttura alcuni pseudopazienti, che dovevano essere riconosciuti dagli operatori. Nelle settimane seguenti, su 193 nuovi pazienti dell'ospedale, gli operatori identificarono 41 pseudopazienti potenziali, con 19 di questi che ricevettero i sospetti di almeno uno psichiatra e un altro membro dello staff degli operatori. In realtà Rosenhan non aveva mandato all'ospedale nessuno pseudopaziente.
Lo studio concluse "È chiaro che non possiamo distinguere i sani dai pazzi negli ospedali psichiatrici"[3] e mostrava inoltre il pericolo della disumanizzazione e dell'etichettamento nelle istituzioni psichiatriche. Suggerì che l'uso di strutture comunitarie di salute mentale focalizzate su problemi e comportamenti specifici piuttosto che su etichette psichiatriche poteva essere una soluzione e formulò raccomandazioni agli operatori in campo psichiatrico affinché fossero più coscienti della psicologia sociale delle loro strutture. Tuttavia lo studio è stato criticato e accusato di essere pseudoscienza presentata come scienza
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Lo studio di Rosenhan si svolse in due fasi.
La prima fase coinvolse collaboratori sani o "pseudopazienti" (tre donne e cinque uomini) che simularono brevemente allucinazioni uditive nel tentativo di ottenere il ricovero in 12 diversi ospedali psichiatrici di cinque diversi stati in varie località degli Stati Uniti d'America. Furono tutti quanti ricoverati e vennero loro diagnosticati dei disordini psichiatrici. Dopo il ricovero gli pseudopazienti tornarono a comportarsi normalmente e dissero agli operatori che si sentivano bene e che non provavano più allucinazioni. Tutti furono costretti ad ammettere di avere una malattia mentale e accettare di prendere farmaci antipsicotici come condizione del loro rilascio. Il tempo medio che gli utenti trascorsero negli ospedali fu di 19 giorni. A tutti tranne uno fu diagnosticata schizofrenia "in remissione" prima del loro rilascio.
La seconda parte del suo studio riguardò un ospedale, tra quelli precedentemente coinvolti, che sfidava Rosenhan a inviare alla struttura alcuni pseudopazienti, che dovevano essere riconosciuti dagli operatori. Nelle settimane seguenti, su 193 nuovi pazienti dell'ospedale, gli operatori identificarono 41 pseudopazienti potenziali, con 19 di questi che ricevettero i sospetti di almeno uno psichiatra e un altro membro dello staff degli operatori. In realtà Rosenhan non aveva mandato all'ospedale nessuno pseudopaziente.
Lo studio concluse "È chiaro che non possiamo distinguere i sani dai pazzi negli ospedali psichiatrici"[3] e mostrava inoltre il pericolo della disumanizzazione e dell'etichettamento nelle istituzioni psichiatriche. Suggerì che l'uso di strutture comunitarie di salute mentale focalizzate su problemi e comportamenti specifici piuttosto che su etichette psichiatriche poteva essere una soluzione e formulò raccomandazioni agli operatori in campo psichiatrico affinché fossero più coscienti della psicologia sociale delle loro strutture. Tuttavia lo studio è stato criticato e accusato di essere pseudoscienza presentata come scienza
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martedì 20 agosto 2013
Brighton Publishing LLC announced the signing of author Michael Fitzhugh Bell
for his controversial exposé into the high-tech, criminal underground of mind
control and organized stalking.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 22, 2011 – Brighton Publishing LLC announced the signing of author Michael Fitzhugh Bell for his new book, The Invisible Crime: Illegal Microchip Implants and Microwave Technology and their Use Against Humanity scheduled for release in late summer of 2011
What happens when a typical, upper-middle class man from a respectable American family becomes the target of a covert organization bent on controlling both mind and body? When that secret organization is armed with high-tech weaponry which includes microchip technology aimed at controlling the minds and actions of its victims, all the rules get thrown out and terror reigns.
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PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 22, 2011 – Brighton Publishing LLC announced the signing of author Michael Fitzhugh Bell for his new book, The Invisible Crime: Illegal Microchip Implants and Microwave Technology and their Use Against Humanity scheduled for release in late summer of 2011
What happens when a typical, upper-middle class man from a respectable American family becomes the target of a covert organization bent on controlling both mind and body? When that secret organization is armed with high-tech weaponry which includes microchip technology aimed at controlling the minds and actions of its victims, all the rules get thrown out and terror reigns.
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Tan Le. Una cuffia per leggere le onde cerebrali
La stupefacente interfaccia presentata da Tan Le è in grado di leggere le onde cerebrali di chi ne fa uso, rendendo possibile controllare con il pensiero (e con un po' di concentrazione) oggetti virtuali e persino oggetti elettronici reali. Tan Le ne da' una dimostrazione e discute l'ampia portata delle possibili applicazioni
Tan Le is the founder & CEO of Emotiv Lifescience, a bioinformatics company that's working on identifying biomarkers for mental and other neurological conditions using electroencephalography
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Tan Le is the founder & CEO of Emotiv Lifescience, a bioinformatics company that's working on identifying biomarkers for mental and other neurological conditions using electroencephalography
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New Microchip Can Mimic How a Human Brain Thinks
Researchers from the University of Zurich, have created neuromorphic chips that can mimic the way a human brain will process information in real-time.
With the assistance of an artificial sensory processing system, these chips are able to display cognitive abilities.
Giacomo Indiveri, professor at the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, explained that the goal of the team was to “emulate the properties of biological neurons and synapses directly on microchips.”
With the creation of artificial neuromorphic neurons that can perform specified tasks, the researchers are able to further advancement toward a complex sensorimotor that can complete tasks in real-time.
Shockingly, behavior can be replicated by input formulated in a finite-state machine that could be transferred into neuromorphic hardware.
Indiveri stated: “The network connectivity patterns closely resemble structures that are also found in mammalian brains.”
Researchers at the University of Berkley have suggested implanting mind-reading “neural dust” into human brains to facilitate connectivity of man to machine.
If this dust were sprinkled onto a human brain, it could form an “implantable neural interface system that remains viable for a lifetime.”
This dust would consist of particles no more than 100 micrometers across that would be millions of sensors capable of measuring electrical activity in neutrons within the brain.
According to the paper, these sensors could be attached to the “tips of fine wire arrays” that could be inserted directly into brain tissue.
This would enable a human brain – machine interface and create a mechanical “telepathy”.
Another way scientists are endeavoring to connect man to machine is through the use of newly developed stretchy conductive material that could be attached to electrode implants to the brain or pacemakers.
This gold-crafted nanoparticle invention is an elastic polymer that can be stretched to four times its original length.
Nicholas Kotov, chemical engineer at the University of Michigan (UoM) explains that “it looks like elastic gold. But we can stretch it just like a rubber band. And when you release the stress, they pretty much come back to their original position.”
Kotov claims that this invention “can alleviate a lot of diseases-for instance, severe depression, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. They can serve as a part of artificial limbs and other prosthetic devices controlled by brain.”
The Royal Society, in conjunction with Academy of Medical Sciences, British Academy and Royal Academy of Engineering came together this month to discuss the potentials, opportunities and challenges of the melding of man with machine (i.e. transhumanism) under the guise of augmentation technologies.
At the Human Enhancement and the Future of Work conference, and further expanded upon in their published report, explains how science and ethics are coming into conflict as technology promises to replace the faulty human body with an eternal, mechanical replacement.
These transhumanists define human enhancement as everything that “encompasses a range of approaches that may be used to improve aspects of human function (e.g. memory, hearing, mobility). This may either be for the purpose of restoring an impaired function to previous or average levels, or to raise function to a level considered to be ‘beyond the norm’ for humans.” Many transhumanist groups can be found throughout the world, such as the UK Transhumanist Association who believes that scientific research must be applied to answer questions of the human condition and bring substantial benefit to society. The Oxford Transhumanists promote “radical life extension, artificial intelligence, cognitive enhancement, existential risks and mind – uploading.”
The Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford endeavors to answer the “big – picture questions about humanity and its prospects.”
These transhumanists favor the Singularity Summit, an annual extension of the Singularity Institute wherein robotics, artificial intelligence, brain – computer interfacing and [various] emerging technologies” into genetics and regenerative medicine are examined under the perspective of transhumanism.
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With the assistance of an artificial sensory processing system, these chips are able to display cognitive abilities.
Giacomo Indiveri, professor at the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, explained that the goal of the team was to “emulate the properties of biological neurons and synapses directly on microchips.”
With the creation of artificial neuromorphic neurons that can perform specified tasks, the researchers are able to further advancement toward a complex sensorimotor that can complete tasks in real-time.
Shockingly, behavior can be replicated by input formulated in a finite-state machine that could be transferred into neuromorphic hardware.
Indiveri stated: “The network connectivity patterns closely resemble structures that are also found in mammalian brains.”
Researchers at the University of Berkley have suggested implanting mind-reading “neural dust” into human brains to facilitate connectivity of man to machine.
If this dust were sprinkled onto a human brain, it could form an “implantable neural interface system that remains viable for a lifetime.”
This dust would consist of particles no more than 100 micrometers across that would be millions of sensors capable of measuring electrical activity in neutrons within the brain.
According to the paper, these sensors could be attached to the “tips of fine wire arrays” that could be inserted directly into brain tissue.
This would enable a human brain – machine interface and create a mechanical “telepathy”.
Another way scientists are endeavoring to connect man to machine is through the use of newly developed stretchy conductive material that could be attached to electrode implants to the brain or pacemakers.
This gold-crafted nanoparticle invention is an elastic polymer that can be stretched to four times its original length.
Nicholas Kotov, chemical engineer at the University of Michigan (UoM) explains that “it looks like elastic gold. But we can stretch it just like a rubber band. And when you release the stress, they pretty much come back to their original position.”
Kotov claims that this invention “can alleviate a lot of diseases-for instance, severe depression, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. They can serve as a part of artificial limbs and other prosthetic devices controlled by brain.”
The Royal Society, in conjunction with Academy of Medical Sciences, British Academy and Royal Academy of Engineering came together this month to discuss the potentials, opportunities and challenges of the melding of man with machine (i.e. transhumanism) under the guise of augmentation technologies.
At the Human Enhancement and the Future of Work conference, and further expanded upon in their published report, explains how science and ethics are coming into conflict as technology promises to replace the faulty human body with an eternal, mechanical replacement.
These transhumanists define human enhancement as everything that “encompasses a range of approaches that may be used to improve aspects of human function (e.g. memory, hearing, mobility). This may either be for the purpose of restoring an impaired function to previous or average levels, or to raise function to a level considered to be ‘beyond the norm’ for humans.” Many transhumanist groups can be found throughout the world, such as the UK Transhumanist Association who believes that scientific research must be applied to answer questions of the human condition and bring substantial benefit to society. The Oxford Transhumanists promote “radical life extension, artificial intelligence, cognitive enhancement, existential risks and mind – uploading.”
The Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford endeavors to answer the “big – picture questions about humanity and its prospects.”
These transhumanists favor the Singularity Summit, an annual extension of the Singularity Institute wherein robotics, artificial intelligence, brain – computer interfacing and [various] emerging technologies” into genetics and regenerative medicine are examined under the perspective of transhumanism.
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sabato 17 agosto 2013
I first became aware of Allan H. Frey's work at Willow Grove in 1972, just after completing "The Holographic Concept of Reality." I was working with Dr. Carl Scheicher (MRU) at the time, and was asked about the significance of this work. Realizing its possible use in mind control, my first reaction was to go on "red alert."Full significance was not yet understood at this time. Basically, Frey had discovered another sensory motor input in the higher blue-band frequencies of 0.3-3.0 GHz. - at very low amplitudes of power. It was "as if" we had another type of "vision," but did not know how to "see" what was being received. It constituted the next generation of subliminal communications.My work at the time was involved with an AI database for paranormal references (Project Parafile). A second paper was also presented at the Omniversal Symposium, California State College at Sonoma, (September 29, 1973). This was titled "Embryonic Holography," and was an application of "The Holographic Concept of Reality" model. It dealt with biogenesis and neurological regeneration, and included speculation on the origins of cancer, faith healing, psychic surgery and more technical aspects of mind-body energetics.
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targeted individuals canada
"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem
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Schizofrenia: sintomi e cause
La schizofrenia è una malattia cronica, grave e invalidante che colpisce il cervello: circa l’1 per cento della popolazione soffre di questa malattia.
Le persone con questo disturbo possono sentire delle voci che gli altri non sentono, possono credere che gli altri leggano le loro menti, controllino i loro pensieri o che complottino per far loro del male: questo rende i malati di schizofrenia nervose od estremamente agitate.
I pazienti colpiti possono dire cose senza senso, possono stare sedute per ore senza muoversi o parlare; a volte sembrano perfettamente normali fin quando non cominciano a parlare di ciò a cui stanno realmente pensando.
Anche le famiglie e la società risentono dei problemi causati dalla schizofrenia: molte persone affette hanno difficoltà a conservare il proprio posto di lavoro o a prendersi cura di se stessi, e per questo devono fare affidamento su altri che possano aiutarli.
Un trattamento adeguato aiuta ad alleviare molti sintomi, ma la maggior parte delle persone schizofreniche avvertono i sintomi della malattia per tutta la vita. Tuttavia molti malati possono condurre una vita gratificante e soddisfacente in comunità. I ricercatori stanno sviluppando dei farmaci più efficaci e stanno utilizzando nuovi strumenti di ricerca per capire le cause della schizofrenia. Negli anni a venire, questo lavoro potrebbe aiutare a prevenire e curare meglio la malattia.
La schizofrenia colpisce uomini e donne allo stesso modo e si verifica in percentuali analoghe in tutti i gruppi etnici di tutto il mondo. Sintomi come le allucinazioni ed i deliri di solito iniziano in un’età compresa tra i 16 e i 30 anni, gli uomini tendono ad avvertire i sintomi un po’ prima rispetto alle donne. E’ raro che una persona venga colpita da schizofrenia una volta superati i 45 anni.
La schizofrenia si verifica raramente nei bambini, ma la consapevolezza della malattia in età infantile sta aumentando; può essere difficile da diagnosticare negli adolescenti. Ciò può dipendere dal fatto che i primi sintomi possono consistere in un cambiamento degli amici, in problemi del sonno, irritabilità e comportamenti comuni tra gli adolescenti. Una combinazione di fattori può consentire di prevedere la schizofrenia fino all’ 80 per cento dei giovani che sono ad alto rischio di sviluppare la malattia. Questi fattori includono la tendenza ad isolarsi dagli altri, un aumento di pensieri insoliti e sospetti ed una storia familiare di psicosi.
Nei giovani che sviluppano la malattia questa fase della malattia si chiama periodo prodromico.
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target individual canada
The ‘psycho-electronic’ type of mind control I’m discussing here is the covert, around the clock harassment of innocent citizens living in their homes and communities, and is currently world wide in scope. This harassment includes electronic mind/body attacks, street harassment skits, destruction of family and other relationships and destruction of careers.
One especially invasive attack method in the arena of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture. Voice to skull technology is sometimes referred to as “synthetic telepathy”.
Current-day voice to skull cannot be stopped by any known electromagnetic shielding, a fact which demonstrates how advanced classified mind control technology has become.
The listener needs to know that at least one method of voice to skull transmission, using microwave pulses much like radar, is not particularly new. During World War II, technicians working in the path of energized radar antennas discovered they could hear a buzz, seeming to originate inside their skulls. This buzz was being caused by the train of very short pulses of microwave signal, each pulse causing a single click.
In the early 1970s, Dr. Joseph Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research used a computer to control a radar transmitter such that for each time a human voice waveform changed from a peak to a valley, the radar transmitter sent out a single pulse, causing a single click to be heard by the test subject. Because these clicks were timed according to the human voice waveform, the test subject heard a voice, rather than a string of clicks. This has not been pursued, at least publicly, due to concerns about the effect of microwave signals aimed at a person’s skull, but it does work.
In actual fact, a suitably modified amateur radio transmitter operating in either the 420 to 450 megahertz band or the 1.3 gigahertz band, with a highly directional antenna, is capable of transmitting voice to skull signals at less cost than the price of an automobile.
In addition to simply driving a target crazy, voice to skull can cause far more severe damage to a targeted person if instead of audible voice, one of several types of SUBLIMINAL voice is transmitted instead. When the subliminal voice is that of a hypnotist, and is aimed at a targeted person’s bed, voice to skull can be used over time to undetectably program the person. Because the power level required is fairly modest, being something like the output of the common heat lamp, the person being programmed could have no idea this was happening.
A person who is highly susceptible to hypnosis, and about one in five are, could be put through living Hell simply by way of subliminal voice to skull.
It is common for psycho-electronic mind control victims to report a very frequent or constant “ringing in the ears”, which is also a symptom of the “Lowery” method of subliminal voice conversion. Lowery’s method is described in U.S. patent 5,159,703 and such a converter can easily be built by someone with reasonable electronic assembly abilities.Effects of Radiation Harassment Technology (V2K) Technology
PERPS (Perpetrator or the harasser) have technology that in a nut shell can do the following:
- They are a very faint sound, therefore a person interprets them as their own thoughts. Since they are a very faint sound, only those things that are know to a person can be manipulated. Put it simply they won’t be able to teach you Chinese. An example of this is that if a person says a sentence very slowly and close to your ears, then you will only understand it if you know it or parts of it, otherwise your interpretation of what’s being said would be different as compared to what was actually said.
- PERPS use other means to make a person dwell on things that where unknown to them. Like after listening to a news article, or even other people saying something similar that PERPS would want a target to direct there thoughts on. Affects related to this are listed below. (VOICE)
- They can vibrate certain muscles, affects related to that are mentioned below. (MUSCULAR)
- Certain parts in nervous system react to them. Affects related to this are mentioned below. (NERVOUS)
- They can cause power surges. (EMP) (EMP = Electromagnetic Pulses)
- Give throat irritation, mucus formation. (MUSCULAR)
- Watery mouth. (MUSCULAR)
- Hyperventilation, sudden shortness of breath. (MUSCULAR)
- Vibrate certain muscles in our body. (MUSCULAR)
- Give different body aches and pains. Specially back ache. (MUSCULAR)
- Clogged ears. (Like the way it feels when the elevation changes, like in plane or in elevators). (MUSCULAR)
- If a person have an existing condition, like a cut, or infection, they can make it really pain. (MUSCULAR)/(NERVOUS)
- Nausea, headaches. (NERVOUS)
- Listen to a person’s thoughts. Yes that’s what they are capable of. Lots of time, during early manipulation, that’s what a person complains of, that someone knows what they are thinking, or watching them all the time, however, not all is true, some of those thoughts are manipulated by PERPS. (NERVOUS)
- Manipulate a person’s thoughts, by putting specific words while a person is thinking. (VOICE)
- Manipulate a person’s emotions by making them angry or inducing anxiety or even make a person cry or laugh. (NERVOUS)
- They can cause simple sounds to occur again and again. For instance, if a pager is set to simple beep, then they make a person to think that the pager is on, yet when its not. (VOICE)
- They can cause surges, yes, the lights that went out recently in NY, is there doing. (EMP)
- They can make minor malfunctions in electronic equipment. Causing them to flicker, or even in some cases render the equipment useless. (EMP)
- Any sensor driven machine is prone to them. They can cause a light sensor to activate at night, causing the light to go out. (EMP)
- They can temper with thermostats. Causing the air conditioner to come on, or the refrigerator to malfunction, or cause the car to over heat. Yep, that’s what they can do. (EMP).
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Sharing Their Demons on the Web
FOR years they lived in solitary terror of the light beams that caused searing headaches, the technology that took control of their minds and bodies. They feared the stalkers, people whose voices shouted from the walls or screamed in their heads, “We found you” and “We want you dead.”
But when they found one another on the Internet, everything changed. So many others were having the same experiences.
Type “mind control” or “gang stalking” into Google, and Web sites appear that describe cases of persecution, both psychological and physical, related with the same minute details — red and white cars following victims, vandalism of their homes, snickering by those around them.
Identified by some psychologists and psychiatrists as part of an “extreme community” on the Internet that appears to encourage delusional thinking, a growing number of such Web sites are filled with stories from people who say they are victims of mind control and stalking by gangs of government agents. The sites are drawing the concern of mental health professionals and the interest of researchers in psychology and psychiatry.
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venerdì 16 agosto 2013
Human Radiation Experiments Testimonies
Human Radiation Experiments Testimonies
The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments was established in 1994 to investigate questions of the record of the United States government with respect to human radiation experiments. The special committee was created by President Bill Clinton in Executive Order 12891, issued January 15, 1994. Ruth Faden of The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics chaired the committee. Jonathan D. Moreno was a senior staff member of the committee. He later wrote the 1999 book Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans. The thousand-page final report of the Committee was released in October 1995 at a White House ceremony (Wikipedia).
Report Human Radiation Experiments Report Oct 3, 1995 -- President Clinton commented on the final report on human radiation experiments conducted by the federal government between 1944 and 1974. The government failed in its duty to tell the truth and protect citizens, he stated. The president promised compensation for the victims of these experiments. He also offered a formal apology to the survivors, their families, and to all American people who must be able to rely upon the United States to keep its word, tell the truth, and do the right thing. As an additional measure, President Clinton signed an executive order instructing every agency of the federal government which conducts, supports, or regulates research involving human beings to immediately review their procedures, and report back by the end of the year. The president also created a Bioethics Advisory Commission to supervise such research. He hopes the commission will ensure that the government never again strays from the basic values of protecting and being truthful with its people
The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments was established in 1994 to investigate questions of the record of the United States government with respect to human radiation experiments. The special committee was created by President Bill Clinton in Executive Order 12891, issued January 15, 1994. Ruth Faden of The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics chaired the committee. Jonathan D. Moreno was a senior staff member of the committee. He later wrote the 1999 book Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans. The thousand-page final report of the Committee was released in October 1995 at a White House ceremony (Wikipedia).
Report Human Radiation Experiments Report Oct 3, 1995 -- President Clinton commented on the final report on human radiation experiments conducted by the federal government between 1944 and 1974. The government failed in its duty to tell the truth and protect citizens, he stated. The president promised compensation for the victims of these experiments. He also offered a formal apology to the survivors, their families, and to all American people who must be able to rely upon the United States to keep its word, tell the truth, and do the right thing. As an additional measure, President Clinton signed an executive order instructing every agency of the federal government which conducts, supports, or regulates research involving human beings to immediately review their procedures, and report back by the end of the year. The president also created a Bioethics Advisory Commission to supervise such research. He hopes the commission will ensure that the government never again strays from the basic values of protecting and being truthful with its people
giovedì 15 agosto 2013
martedì 13 agosto 2013
Individuati corpi estranei nel cranio di Paolo Dorigo: si tratta di microchip sottocutanei?
Hanno installato qualcosa nel mio corpo": è dal maggio 2002 che il detenuto veneziano Paolo Dorigo, attualmente agli arresti domiciliari, denuncia la presenza nella sua testa di un "intruso", ovvero un microchip sottocutaneo che gli sarebbe stato inserito nel condotto uditivo. Questo microchip, secondo Dorigo, sarebbe il principale strumento di una vasta operazione tecnologica di annientamento psicofisico e di controllo mentale praticata contro di lui.
Fantasie? Ipotesi assurde? Così le autorità carcerarie e giudiziarie interpellate hanno sempre liquidato queste denunce, ma gli ultimi esami medici effettuati da Dorigo gettano una luce inquietante sul caso: una TAC effettuata il 5 ottobre rivela la presenza di una piccola areola radiopatica nei tessuti molli in prossimità del timpano sinistro . Un secondo esame datato 3 novembre conferma la presenza di un corpo estraneo non meglio identificato nel condotto uditivo sinistro . Altre lastre effettuate più recentemente hanno rivelato la presenza complessiva di cinque sagome in vari punti della testa, di cui non è stata fornita un esauriente spiegazione medica
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Tecnologie Lettura Del Pensiero – Armi Psicotroniche
Leggere la mente a distanza, decifrando le onde magnetiche del cervello è stato un progetto dell'Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA], del Dipartimento della Difesa. Molti istituti di istruzione e di ricerca hanno contribuito al suo successo con i finanziamenti del governo
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lunedì 12 agosto 2013
sabato 10 agosto 2013
Mind Control Technology Correlates with Victim Allegations
By breaking the problem down to manageable size, mind control technology used in mind control nonconsensual experimentation can be described. SQUID can read minute magnetic signals from the brain and with mathematic computations correlate this to processing of light stimuli by the brain, for example. In the development of MRI in the early 1970s, fourier transforms and pulse techniques were described as a way to decipher the very minute brain signals among all the electromagnetic background noise. And in 1980, Dr. Mackay described cross-correlation as one of the most powerful computational techniques for extracting significant information from brain signals. And now Tennenbaum and many articles describe the future use of HTSC for reading minute biological signals in the late 1980s. The theory behind detecting thought processes is passing the test of time.
MEG was used to pick up the magnetic signals which are oscillating millisecond fluxes of the brain in real time. If there were electromagnetic codes and programs for the brains processes that have already been discovered, (as in the gene mapping project), then the signals would have meaning.
Victims report that their thoughts can be read instantly and replied to, that pictures and dreams, memories and feelings can be remotely manipulated and controlled. Every nerve and muscle of the body can now be controlled. Again, breaking the problem down to manageable amounts is very helpful in describing the technology available that could account for victim’s allegations. One previous example was the artificial retina chip, a copy of the neural organization of the retina and visual processing as the human brain does. This and the visual processing of the brain by frequencies mentioned previously could have been discovered and would account for dreams, pictures and implanted visualizations reported by victims.
The hearing of voices has been described elsewhere via microwave effects by the military to be used against terrorists (see CAHRA, Intelligence tools). The manipulation of memory could be accounted for with Wiener’s theory of the storage via nucleic acid complexes. Others have made the hypothesis of a molecular code that may be searched out and finally mastered, according to discussions at the American Association for the Advancement of Science(Lessing,1967, DNA Pg. 56.). Long and short term memory may use different mechanisms and Pribram’s theory of holography may be a key process. Pribram has suggested that sensory information is relayed and reconstructed by neuron interaction and also the sensory cells can interact to form a type of hologram[which is made up of electromagnetic waves]. This information combined with previously described techniques demonstrate how in principle, this could be done without a chip or implant. From the many facts, it can be concluded that the functioning of the brain has been discovered and applied to military applications. The underlying principles have been discovered.
Manipulation of feelings could be done via electromagnetic signals. Penfield described the experiments in the 1930s of stimulating areas of the cortex while surgically treating epileptic patients and patients would describe reliving of a previous memory, a flash-back, smelling certain smells and feeling physical sensations. The process for targeting areas of the brain for rage, happiness, and many other feelings most likely have been located.
Manipulation of every nerve in the body can be explained via electromagnetic signals to specific locations of the brain. The process of sensations and movement may be catalogued in the atlas of signals which Wiener predicted. And the underlying brain mechanism for processing sensations have been determined. This does not seem so farfetched now that very weak signals can be detected and correlated to specific stimulus. The location of the electromagnetic source is possible with MEGs, magnetoencephalography, as stated in a previous article,(pg. 40) and therefore could be targeted by remote means. Recording the signals and then playing them back has been described as the means for direct communication with the brain. Any sensation could be created if a specifically tailored electromagnetic signal were known or mimicked and transmitted. The military interest in solving very complicated brain processes has created the funding needed for scientific projects such as this.
The robotic effects or street theatre that many victims describe is worth mentioning. Behavior of people can now be engineered as if they were puppets. Delgado’s research with implants which stopped a charging bull and then with remote electromagnetic signals is one part of this puzzle. The military has done extensive research on hypnosis(see Operation Mind Control, Walter Bowart1978). The electromagnetic signal or command is directed to the subconscious, and as in hypnosis the target will do whatever the command states. This has been demonstrated by J.F. Schapitz in government experiments(See The Controller, Martin Cannon). The brain is a complex system and there are no easy explanations. This was meant to be the beginning of a solid foundation of proof of government mind control technology that would overcome the lack of government documents that are classified under the National Security Act
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mercoledì 7 agosto 2013
sabato 3 agosto 2013
ICAACT is an Independent evidence gathering Non Profit Human Rights Organization.
This report details the findings of the ICAACT phase III testing procedure. The ICAACT Phase III testing is about testing the human body for RF (Radio Frequency) emission, in a shielded environment. A Faraday cage was utilized to conduct the testing. The shielding spectrum of the environment was rated to be effective between 9KHz and 18GHz. The Faraday cage was certified in December of 2011 and was less than a year old when the tests were conducted. All tests were conducted inside the shielded environment also referred to as a Faraday cage
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