domenica 21 luglio 2013

Il futuro secondo la N.A.S.A.

Un agghiacciante documento della N.A.S.A., l'agenzia militare sotto le pallide sembianze di ente scientifico, non solo conferma quanto, in questi anni, gli scienziati ed i ricercatori indipendenti hanno acquisito circa i piani delle élites mondialiste, ma prospetta pure uno scenario che potremmo definire, mutuando un termine della cosmologia, “singolarità”. Per singolarità intendiamo un punto di non ritorno dove l’essere umano e la natura, mediante processi tecnologici, sono trasmutati in qualcosa di inumano e di innaturale. E’ una zona in cui tutto quanto appartiene all’humanitas è definitivamente cancellato.

Il testo, redatto da Dennis M. Bushnell, “scienziato capo” che opera nel famigerato "Langley research center", si intitola in modo eloquente “Future strategic issues – Future warfare”, ossia “Questioni strategiche del futuro – Il sistema bellico futuro”.

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Il futuro secondo la N.A.S.A. è già qui

Pubblichiamo un approfondimento relativo al documento stilato dalla N.A.S.A. intitolato “Future strategic issues – Future warfare”. L’articolo, scritto da [M40], è non solo una proficua integrazione rispetto a quanto avevamo proposto, ma pure un’analisi volta a focalizzare altre sfaccettature della questione da una differente prospettiva. Molto utile, tra l’altro, l’indicazione delle pagine che rinviano ai vari, spinosi argomenti.

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lunedì 15 luglio 2013



A concerning type of science is rapidly developing that has serious capabilities of victimizing innocent citizens– resulting in serious health risks, privacy violations, freedoms being lost, information/identity theft, and in some cases death - as well as many unethical practices being applied. This science involves the use of involuntary implantation of microchips into humans and can  and has been known, to have been done without knowledge or consent of the individual!  Part one  gave an overview of what a microchip is and why mainstream medical professionals often miss diagnose victims as delusional, including many victims finding any evidences they do get - suddenly going missing from their homes and/or the medical establishment where they were done

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add sound and preserve the quiet

Sound from other speakers is 90% noise.
Any sound that misses your intended audience is noise. Only the Audio Spotlight system can keep sound focused specifically to your listeners, providing sound where you want it, and quiet everywhere else.
The revolutionary Audio Spotlight technology creates a tight, narrow beam of sound that can be controlled with the same precision as light. Aim the flat, thin speaker to your desired listening area and provide all of the sound – with none of the noise.
Since 2000, Audio Spotlight systems have been installed in thousands of locations around the world. From museums, exhibits, galleries and retail stores to digital signage and special projects, the world's top companies have chosen the unique, patented Audio Spotlight technology to provide high-quality, precisely targeted sound.

The Audio Spotlight uses a beam of ultrasound as a "virtual acoustic source", enabling unprecedented control of sound distribution. The graph to the right shows the real sound field of the Audio Spotlight versus the theoretical maximum directivity of any loudspeaker, panel, dome, or "shower" of the same size. As shown by this comparison, no loudspeaker in the world can approach the level of control provided by Audio Spotlight technology.

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Mind Control – Remote Neural Monitoring

Mind Control – Remote Neural Monitoring: Daniel Estulin and Magnus Olsson on Russia Today

This show, with the original title “Control mental. El sueño dorado de los dueños del mundo” (Mind control. The golden dream of the world’s masters) — broadcasted to some 10 million people — was one of the biggest victories for victims of implant technologies so far. Thanks to Magnus Olsson, who, despite being victimized himself, worked hard for several years to expose one the biggest human rights abuses of our times – connecting people against their will and knowledge to computers via implants of the size of a few nanometers – leading to a complete destruction of not only their lives and health, but also personalities and identities.
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mercoledì 10 luglio 2013

Desde la sombra : Control mental. El sueño dorado

Torture cerebrali con satelliti spia

  • molestie elettroniche mentali;
  • molestie corporali;
  • molestie avvenute per strada;
  • molestie che distruggono "NUCLEI FAMIGLIARI" ed altri "RAPPORTI UMANI";
  • ed infine,molestie riguardanti alle varie "DISTRUZIONI DI CARRIERA".

Il metodo di cui vi parlero',in questa nota,e' un "METODO INVASIVO E PREOCCUPANTE",inerente all'ambito di "PSICO-ELETTRONICA DI CONTROLLO DELLA MENTE".Sono chiamate "VOCI NEL CRANIO"riconosciute anche con l'acronimo  V2K.
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lunedì 8 luglio 2013

targeted individuals europe

Who we are
United Targeted Individuals Europe is a group of civilians that are harassed, tortured and gang stalked 24/7 year after year. Our lives have been taken away from us. Some of us are still young but we live isolated or/and in terrible psychological and physical pain, without any chance to choose our life style or having equal opportunity like everybody else. We believe that we are victims of experimentation without consent because the perpetrators spend unlimited resources on tracking us down and keep us under surveillance day after day, night after night. Even if the cover ups is either crime prevention or some kind of disease, we are neither criminal or suffer from a natural disease. The natural conclusion is that the perpetrators have something to gain by doing this to us. We are victims of experimentation done on humans without consent.
Two areas of research are Artificial Intelligence and Non-Lethal Weapons

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Hearing voices

For many people hearing voices is equal to hearing voice to skull.
Voice to skull is a technology to project voices into your head.
The definition of voice to skull was on a website of the US army.
It’s not classified secret.
It has been demonstrated.
We can prove that it exists.
There has been a commercial voice to skull device.
We know how voice to skull works thanks to Eleanor White.
Some people hear voices because they have implants.
We are organized to detect implants in Belgium.

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OSEH - voice to skull

satellite surveillance

This is an extensive list of informational website relating to the crimes of organised stalking, directed energy weapons, pyscho-electronic mind control, and related topics.

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