"The next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine ... In the future it will not be about the chemistry - it will be about the energy!" - Dr. Mehmet Oz, The Oprah Show
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"L'individuo è in difficoltà quando viene a faccia a faccia con una cospirazione così enorme che non può credere che esista." J. Edgar Hoover, ex direttore dell'FBI
lunedì 30 settembre 2013
Trad. da Globalresearch
Nel marzo 2012 il Ministro della Difesa russo Anatoli Serdjukov disse:
“Lo sviluppo di armamenti basati sui nuovi principi della fisica, armi ad energia diretta, armi geofisiche, armi a onde di energia, armi genetiche , armi psicotroniche etc., fa parte del programma di approvvigionamento delle armi di stato per gli anni 2011-2020,”Voice of Russia
Il mondo dei media reagì a questo accenno sull’uso “aperto” di armi psicotroniche pubblicando gli esperimenti degli anni ’60 dove onde elettromagnetiche vennero usate per trasmettere semplici suoni nel cervello umano.
Tuttavia la piu’ parte di queste pubblicazioni non disse che quella ampia ricerca scientifica è stata portata avanti in tutto il mondo. Solo un quotidiano columbiano , El Spectador, pubblico’ un articolo che copriva tutta la gamma dei risultati ed avanzamenti in questo campo.
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Trad. da Globalresearch
Nel marzo 2012 il Ministro della Difesa russo Anatoli Serdjukov disse:
“Lo sviluppo di armamenti basati sui nuovi principi della fisica, armi ad energia diretta, armi geofisiche, armi a onde di energia, armi genetiche , armi psicotroniche etc., fa parte del programma di approvvigionamento delle armi di stato per gli anni 2011-2020,”Voice of Russia
Il mondo dei media reagì a questo accenno sull’uso “aperto” di armi psicotroniche pubblicando gli esperimenti degli anni ’60 dove onde elettromagnetiche vennero usate per trasmettere semplici suoni nel cervello umano.
Tuttavia la piu’ parte di queste pubblicazioni non disse che quella ampia ricerca scientifica è stata portata avanti in tutto il mondo. Solo un quotidiano columbiano , El Spectador, pubblico’ un articolo che copriva tutta la gamma dei risultati ed avanzamenti in questo campo.
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mercoledì 25 settembre 2013
Il caso Petrit Demo
Questa persona è stato microimpiantata senza il suo consenso e senza esserne a conoscenza.
La presenza dei dispositivi è stata rivelata dopo denunce di salute degradata e dolori estremi.
La presenza dei dispositivi è stata confermata da un medico.
Alcuni dei dispositivi sono stati rimossi chirurgicamente da un medico.
I dispositivi non hanno alcun valore terapeutico.
I dispositivi non sono stati analizzati da un tossicologo.
I dispositivi non sono stati analizzati da un tecnico elettronico.
Le fotografie mostrano chiaramente i dispositivi di tipo microstimulator
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sabato 21 settembre 2013
Gli alieni ci controllano: oggetto extraterrestre trovato in un uomo
A giudicare da quanto accaduto a Ron Noel, un americano di 49 anni, gli alieni ci marchierebbero come animali e ci controllerebbero dalle più lontane galassie: dopo 40 anni da quando gli alieni lo avrebbero rapito, l’uomo ha infatti scoperto di avere nel proprio corpo un sofisticato e potentissimo trasmettitore composto da una sostanza metallica, che secondo il dott. Roger Leir che sta studiando il caso, sarebbe in grado di stimolare la generazione di cellule ossee e perciò non provocherebbe né rigetto né infiammazioni.
L’uomo era andato a farsi fare delle radiografie perché gli era stata diagnosticata la sindrome del tunnel carpale ed il radiologo, forse notando qualcosa di strano ma non identificabile, gli chiese se avesse degli impianti metallici. La stessa sera, per caso, Ron vide una trasmissione televisiva in cui si parlava del dottor Roger Leir come il massimo esperto di estrazione di impianti alieni e come uno dei maggiori rappresentanti della ricerca nel campo dell’ufologia: decise perciò di interpellarlo.
“Ron Noel mi ha consultato 2 o tre anni fa – ricorda il dott. Leir – ma prima di fare qualsiasi intervento estrattivo ho voluto capire bene di cosa si trattasse. La dottoressa Ivonne Smitr ha sottoposto il paziente ad una terapia ipnotica durante la quale ha descritto gli alieni, esseri senza bocca ma che gli parlavano direttamente nella testa dicendogli di non avere paura e che avrebbe dimenticato tutto, il rapimento e l’innesto di un oggetto nel braccio; poi gli sono state fatte delle speciali radiografie dalle quali si è vista una piccola macchia vicino all’osso del suo braccio, successivamente ho fatto la misurazione delle radiazioni per mezzo di un contatore Geiger che non ha rilevato nulla, infine ho usato un misuratore di frequenze molto sofisticato che ha individuato nel braccio di Ron un trasmettitore frequenze capaci di raggiungere il più profondo e lontano universo”.
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L’uomo era andato a farsi fare delle radiografie perché gli era stata diagnosticata la sindrome del tunnel carpale ed il radiologo, forse notando qualcosa di strano ma non identificabile, gli chiese se avesse degli impianti metallici. La stessa sera, per caso, Ron vide una trasmissione televisiva in cui si parlava del dottor Roger Leir come il massimo esperto di estrazione di impianti alieni e come uno dei maggiori rappresentanti della ricerca nel campo dell’ufologia: decise perciò di interpellarlo.
“Ron Noel mi ha consultato 2 o tre anni fa – ricorda il dott. Leir – ma prima di fare qualsiasi intervento estrattivo ho voluto capire bene di cosa si trattasse. La dottoressa Ivonne Smitr ha sottoposto il paziente ad una terapia ipnotica durante la quale ha descritto gli alieni, esseri senza bocca ma che gli parlavano direttamente nella testa dicendogli di non avere paura e che avrebbe dimenticato tutto, il rapimento e l’innesto di un oggetto nel braccio; poi gli sono state fatte delle speciali radiografie dalle quali si è vista una piccola macchia vicino all’osso del suo braccio, successivamente ho fatto la misurazione delle radiazioni per mezzo di un contatore Geiger che non ha rilevato nulla, infine ho usato un misuratore di frequenze molto sofisticato che ha individuato nel braccio di Ron un trasmettitore frequenze capaci di raggiungere il più profondo e lontano universo”.
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venerdì 20 settembre 2013
Targeted Individuals Speak Out Against Electronic Stalking and Harassment - DVD
Targeted individuals are those who the Government (and its Military-Intelligence Agencies) has picked out to intimidate into silence, normally because they speak the truth publicly. These targeted individuals are being electronically stalked and harassed with Directed Energy Weapons (also known as Non-Lethal Weapons) which use voice-to-skull technology to blast the victim’s head with electromagnetic radiation. Despite the name, these assaults can cause death and insert “voices” into people’s heads which they mistake for their own thoughts – the ultimate form of mind control. This compilation also features advice on how to detect and block electronic harassment. 115-min. DVD
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giovedì 19 settembre 2013
Posted by Magnus Olsson on September 18, 2013
Posted in: Artificial Intelligence, Mind Control. Tagged: artificial intelligence, artificial telepathy, Intelligence, nanotechnology, Superhuman, SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, Technology, Transhumanism.
“Within 30 years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.” - Vernor Vinge, Technological Singularity, 1983
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domenica 15 settembre 2013
The Brain Subject and the Author of the Articles
Here is the first of a series of articles to be published about a topic that has been developed in secrecy, and that is known almost only to those involved and their victims. The issue is modern brain research, involving medical abuses and doctors misuse of their patients for critical experimentation. It’s about scientific progress and the price that many people have had to pay even though they never accepted to involve themselves, being unwitting or unwilling participants for a life time of remote controlled brain experiments.
My name is Robert Naeslund and the issue to be covered is in many ways one with my life, but in different aspects during varied times. From being a victim with personal experiences, I liberated myself and started to research the topic, writing a book, make reports, articles and lecturing on this hidden agenda to open up a public debate.
The following articles are not addressing my case in particular, but the subject as a whole. For me it all began in my youth, at Stockholm’s South Hospital (Södersjukhuset) when I was admitted for an operation. The surgeon implanted electrodes in my brain without my knowing and after that I was used for brain experimentation which went on for many years. I had no understanding of what I was exposed to, but on discovering the reality I began trying to prove it. No doctors in Sweden would to help me.
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My name is Robert Naeslund and the issue to be covered is in many ways one with my life, but in different aspects during varied times. From being a victim with personal experiences, I liberated myself and started to research the topic, writing a book, make reports, articles and lecturing on this hidden agenda to open up a public debate.
The following articles are not addressing my case in particular, but the subject as a whole. For me it all began in my youth, at Stockholm’s South Hospital (Södersjukhuset) when I was admitted for an operation. The surgeon implanted electrodes in my brain without my knowing and after that I was used for brain experimentation which went on for many years. I had no understanding of what I was exposed to, but on discovering the reality I began trying to prove it. No doctors in Sweden would to help me.
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giovedì 12 settembre 2013
Thank you for taking the time to read this, one of several installments regarding the apparent truth of the secret attacks upon thousands of known victims from across the nation, not to mention the hundreds of reports from other countries. The anticipation is by symptoms that are new and that Doctors cannot explain are the very symptoms victims of covert implants have reported.
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2006 autore Paolo Dorigo, aggiunte e commenti, ad una traduzione parziale da
http:// www.us-government-torture.com
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Artificial Telepathy - Mr. Magnus Olsson
The project involves basic research needed to make possible a brain-computer interface for decoding thought and communicating it to an intended target. Applications are to situations in which it is either impossible or inappropriate to communicate using visual means or by audible speech; the long-term aim is to provide a significant advance in Army communication capabilities in such situations. Non-invasive brain-imaging technologies like electroencephalography (EEG) offer a potential way for dispersed team members to communicate their thoughts. A Soldier thinks a message to be transmitted. A system for automatic imagined speech recognition decodes EEG recordings of brain activity during the thought message. A second system infers simultaneously the intended target of the communication from EEG signals. Message and target information are then combined to communicate the message as intended.
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Erin Jo Richey - Brain-Computer Interfaces and the Coming Wave
Mental telepathy may seem like a thing of sci-fi movies and distant futuristic novels, but we are closer than you may realize to being able to communicate via our thoughts alone. The first major breakthroughs in BCI technology allowed mice and monkeys to move prosthetic arms or computer mice cursors with their thoughts alone. Implanted neural chips have been used to teach monkeys to control the movements of robotic arms in other states, via the internet. Next, monkeys were able to feed themselves with a robotic arm in their room controlled only by their thoughts.
These same silicon chips as being studied for human use where they would function as neural prostheses. Much of the research with humans in the area of mental telepathy and BCIs is targeted at helping locked in coma patients, people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and other disabled patients who experience trouble moving or communicating. Noninvasive electrodes have been used in conjunction with the "Aware Chair," a wheel chair that can be guided by neural activity. Implanted electrodes help other patients communicate by moving a mouse cursor mentally to spell out their thoughts.
We may see the next major breakthrough in mental telepathy and BCI technology in the next 20 years. DARPA currently is working on the Silent Talk project which uses EEGs to scan brain waves and will ideally communicate nonvocal thoughts between soldiers on the battlefield. There are at least three commercial companies that sell BCI devices that allow consumers to play computer games using their thoughts alone rather than a joystick. There even remains the possibility that hackers may someday be able to access your private thoughts.
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These same silicon chips as being studied for human use where they would function as neural prostheses. Much of the research with humans in the area of mental telepathy and BCIs is targeted at helping locked in coma patients, people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and other disabled patients who experience trouble moving or communicating. Noninvasive electrodes have been used in conjunction with the "Aware Chair," a wheel chair that can be guided by neural activity. Implanted electrodes help other patients communicate by moving a mouse cursor mentally to spell out their thoughts.
We may see the next major breakthrough in mental telepathy and BCI technology in the next 20 years. DARPA currently is working on the Silent Talk project which uses EEGs to scan brain waves and will ideally communicate nonvocal thoughts between soldiers on the battlefield. There are at least three commercial companies that sell BCI devices that allow consumers to play computer games using their thoughts alone rather than a joystick. There even remains the possibility that hackers may someday be able to access your private thoughts.
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L’esercito USA finanzia la ricerca per la “Telepatia Sintetica”
L’esercito USA ha dato 4 milioni di dollari ai ricercatori dell’Università della California per studiare le fondamenta della “Telepatia Sintetica”. Questa versione della telepatia viene comunicata attraverso il computer. Irvine, un ricercatore della Università della California spiega:”la interfaccia computer-cervello utilizza tecnologie non invasive di immagini cerebrali come l’elettroencefalografia, per permettere alle persone di comunicare pernsieri gli uni con gli altri.
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MILABS e Rapimenti – Articolo di Philippa Foster
Questo articolo della ricercatrice britannica Philippa Foster, scritto nel 2009 e inedito in Italia, pone in luce brillantemente alcuni degli aspetti più delicati del fenomeno abduction, con particolare riferimento alla situazione in Gran Bretagna. Negli ultimi due anni la ricerca in questo campo ha fatto progressi, nonostante la situazione sia ancora di stallo, a causa del disinteresse della classe accademico-scientifica e ufologica tradizionalista. (Maurizio Baiata)
Qui di seguito, alcune riflessioni di mia moglie Philippa a proposito delle ultime informazioni emerse sulle MILABS e sul supporto agli Addotti
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martedì 10 settembre 2013
domenica 8 settembre 2013
sabato 7 settembre 2013
mercoledì 4 settembre 2013
Evidence of non-consensual micro-chipping
In October 2012 several symptomatic people participated in a RF-testing in a Faraday Cage. The testing was performed by Jesse Beltran & Lars Drudgaard of ICAACT (International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies). A total of 17 participants were tested. 14 had symptoms related to electronic terrorism & torture; 3 were non-symptomatic, non-victims. It appeared that the victims emitted radio frequencies from spots on the body but the non-symptomatic group did not.
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martedì 3 settembre 2013
Positivi i primi test di telepatia sintetica ovvero della possibilità di trasmettere informazioni semplici direttamente dal cervello attraverso l' elettroencefalogramma interpretato da un computer L' obiettivo è sperimentare la possibilità di trasmettere alcune semplici unità di informazione fra due persone modulando l' attività cerebrale in modo volontario. I risultati preliminari sono stati presentati di recente a Roma, nel convegno nazionale dell' Associazione di Medicina aeronautica e spaziale «Sono i primi passi verso dispositivi anti-dirottamento che potrebbero non aver bisogno di un solo movimento da parte del pilota», ha detto Fabio Babiloni, della Fondazione Santa Lucia e dell' università di Roma La Sapienza, che ha presentato i risultati La trasmissione avviene per mezzo di elettrodi che, posti sul capo di una persona, registrano l' attività elettrica prodotta dal cervello Le sue modificazioni attivate dal pensare un gesto o simboli semplici tipo alfabeto "morse" sono riconosciute, interpretate e trasmesse via computer
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Signals sent through internet connect brain of 1 person to another
American researchers say they’ve performed what they believe is the first ever human-to-human brain interface, where one person was able to send a brain signal to trigger the hand motions of another person.
“It was both exciting and eerie to watch an imagined section from my brain get translated into actual action by another brain,” said Rajesh Rao, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, in a statement.
Previous studies have done brain-to-brain transmissions between rats and one was done between a human and a rat.
Rao was able to send a brain signal through the internet – utilizing electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation – to the other side of the university campus to his colleague Andrea Stocco, an assistant professor of psychology, triggering Stocco’s finger to move on a keyboard.
“The internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains,” said Stocco. “We want to take the knowledge of a brain and transmit it directly from brain to brain.”
On Aug. 12, Rao sat in his lab with a cap on his head. The cap had electrodes hooked up to an electroencephalography machine, which reads the brain’s electrical activity. Meanwhile, Stocco was at his lab across campus, wearing a similar cap which had a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil place over his left motor cortex – the part of the brain that controls hand movement.
Rao looked at a computer and in his mind, he played a video game. When he was supposed to fire a cannon at a target, he imagined moving his right hand, which stayed motionless. Stocco, almost instantaneously, moved his right index finger to push the space bar on the keyboard in front of him.
The project utilized two basic technologies:
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“It was both exciting and eerie to watch an imagined section from my brain get translated into actual action by another brain,” said Rajesh Rao, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, in a statement.
Previous studies have done brain-to-brain transmissions between rats and one was done between a human and a rat.
Rao was able to send a brain signal through the internet – utilizing electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation – to the other side of the university campus to his colleague Andrea Stocco, an assistant professor of psychology, triggering Stocco’s finger to move on a keyboard.
“The internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains,” said Stocco. “We want to take the knowledge of a brain and transmit it directly from brain to brain.”
On Aug. 12, Rao sat in his lab with a cap on his head. The cap had electrodes hooked up to an electroencephalography machine, which reads the brain’s electrical activity. Meanwhile, Stocco was at his lab across campus, wearing a similar cap which had a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil place over his left motor cortex – the part of the brain that controls hand movement.
Rao looked at a computer and in his mind, he played a video game. When he was supposed to fire a cannon at a target, he imagined moving his right hand, which stayed motionless. Stocco, almost instantaneously, moved his right index finger to push the space bar on the keyboard in front of him.
Only simple brain signals, not thoughts
“This was basically a one-way flow of information from my brain to his,” said Rao.The project utilized two basic technologies:
- Electroencephalography, or EEG, which is used by medical professionals to record brain activity non-invasively from the scalp.
- TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, which is a way of non-invasively delivering stimulation to the brain through the scalp.
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Your Future Brain-Machine Implant: Ultrasonic Neural Dust
Remember those slender gleaming spikes Keanu Reeves and pals jacked into the backs of their noggins to go virtual-reality tripping in The Matrix? That’s certainly an image: prong-to-brain networking, your neurons serviced by skewer.
But then the movies — what can you do? The future of brain-machine interfaces may be less, umm, visible if cutting-edge research by scientists at the University of California Berkeley proves viable.
One of the biggest challenges for brain-machine interfaces (BMI) is how to create one you could use indefinitely (like for a lifetime). Even in The Matrix, connecting to the cloud seems awfully inconvenient: sit back in a chair, stab yourself in the skull. Existing real-world BMI systems are clumsier still. As KurzweilAI notes: “Current BMI systems are also limited to several hundred implantable recording sites, they generate tissue responses around the implanted electrodes that degrade recording performance over time, and are limited to months to a few years.”
What if, instead, we built entire armies of tiny dust-sized sensor nodes that could be implanted in the brain (though not autonomously — this isn’t colonize-your-brain-stem time yet) to facilitate communication of whatever sort, in this case keeping high-res tabs on neural signals and relaying data back to aggregation devices via ultrasound?
Here’s how it might work: First you pop through the skull and the brain’s dura (the membrane surrounding the brain), dipping into the brain’s neural sea itself, roughly two millimeters down, where you position thousands of low-powered CMOS chips (the “neural dust,” each as tiny as millionths of a meter) to begin capturing neural signals using electrodes and piezoelectric sensors, which convert the data to ultrasonic signals. Those signals are then picked up by a sub-dural transceiver (sitting just above the “dust” chips and simultaneously powering them ultrasonically), which relays the data to an external transceiver resting just outside the skull (ASIC, memory, battery, long-range transmitter), which in turn communicates wirelessly with whatever computing device.
Like most futurist notions, this one hasn’t been tested yet — it’s just a formal proposal — but it’s another fascinating glimpse into where we might be headed, bypassing clumsy literal BMI head-jacks for micro-scale interfaces that would link us, wire-free, to future galaxies of virtual information
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Dr. John Hall’s book to become movie
When Dr. John Hall wrote the book “A new Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America”, information about the technologies and techniques for remote influencing, where basically unknown to most people. The case of one individual – a woman that Dr. John Hall knew – was used in the book to illustrate the daily horror, harassment and torture that many people in our world today have to experience. These people are the victims of a new form of worldwide terrorism – an endless orgy of abuse and torture; People who could have lived happy healthy existences, but whose lives have been ruthlessly destroyed without warning or a good reason. Worst of all: there is nowhere to run! This world becomes because of this remote technology the victim’s prison: A prison without walls or bars, yet inescapable.
Convincing a large majority of people of a phenomenon that is real but that cannot be seen is a great challenge. And what societal means can one use to spread a message that cannot be put in words but that only experienced can be fully understood?
You read the headline of this article! Dr. John Hall’s book is going to become a movie.
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Convincing a large majority of people of a phenomenon that is real but that cannot be seen is a great challenge. And what societal means can one use to spread a message that cannot be put in words but that only experienced can be fully understood?
You read the headline of this article! Dr. John Hall’s book is going to become a movie.
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